Thursday, February 23, 2012


I say, opps, because this week my posts are all out of order,
by all rights, this should be one post down, as it concerns the essay. (So if you are looking for my answers for this weeks questions, move one post older and voila, or viola, mmmm which is the stringed instrument and which is the exclamation?)
Things have a way of working out; uninspired lately, I was in limbo about what to discuss in a 7 page essay. However, reading Frost’s poetry this week got my mind awhirlin. (I know that “awhilrin” is a made-up word, MSOffice even underlined it in red for me however, awhirlin describes my mind quite well; which is the intent of literature right?)
Years ago I fell in love with Frost. The spiritual and physical connectivity between Man and Nature with little inclusion of standard religion. Sure, there are a great many religious allegories present, the essay would identify as well as highlight attempting to explain Frost’s references.  Nature as God/goddess. Man as part of Nature. Connections existing between mankind through nature.
I would propose looking at several of his works, attempting to ferret out that “connection”. Attempting to find out, where I am headed, what I am doing, who am I, who do I wish to become?, with whom? and for how many jelly beans.
All art seeks to convey a message; good art makes a connection between the artist, the viewer as well as the subject matter. Sort of a Ménage à trois love triangle. Literature, being a visual art in it’s own right, seeks just this ideal. I would enjoy delving into what message(s) Robert Frost is attempting to say to both ourselves as well as himself. Look for commonalities in structure, theme, metaphors, analogies as well as some of his biographical history.


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Robert Frost’s “the road not taken”,
wait, I will not take that road,
instead I will take the road less traveled by exploring “After Apple Picking”

As I read the poem, I could not but help but being caught up in the same dreamy and surrealistic feelings generated whenever one reads just about anything by Frost. Recurring themes of nature coupled with man’s place (both intended as well as unintended place) within nature. What am I doing here, where am I going, was it all worthwhile? Questions that haunt Frost’s work, “After Apple Picking” being no exception.

He begins by coupling man with heaven then sliiiiides into the synonymy of heaven and nature being one and the same. It is the man’s perception of these places that differs. Tools begin to pop up in the poem. Work (man’s labor towards a goal) begin to dot the poetic landscape. I use that artsy term “landscape” since it implies a very larger than life very real place, that for the most part is taken for granted. It is there in the background, we look at it in passing, but rarely appreciate it fully, not even realizing that we and our immediate surroundings are a landscape for others that are far away and looking towards us. The landscape kind of sneaks up on a viewer at times, whilst other times it exerts a powerful spiritual and emotional impact. Much like Frost’s poetry.

Close read questions

1.    The title is kind of boring. I suppose that it implies work of picking, not the fun of eating the apples. However, when one reads the poem, it IS actually about the labors and efforts with not much about the rewards. “After”? why after? To be literal, it should read “during” or ‘the process of”. But then, frost could be tricking us, with post tense used to imply that it really IS after, with the speaker dreaming or remembering past exertions.

2.    The words I know. Some used little in this day and age, such as hoary or russet. But are fun to see conjuring images of an older age.

3.    There is a rhyme scheme, easier to pick up when read out loud. Abba ccded , but then it jumps, odd later it starts in line 14 with aaabcdcb as close as I can tell. Is it a mixture of a weird rhyme with free verse? I am no poet and could use some help please.

4.    Work dream. Most people have them. We takes elements of our everyday world, then inserts them as puzzles for our subconscious mind to sort out. Why am I doing this? What good is it? Where am I going? Couples our activities with more important “work” of even perhaps a divine nature. Could picking apples be saving souls?

5.    Images. This poem is nothing but images conjured from the speaker (dreamer) inside his own dream imaging in a surrealistic way, events from his day job.  Images set to conjure double meanings.

Ladder sticking in a tree – (journey towards heaven?)

Barrel - (unfilled, his work is never done)

Apples  still left – (also unpicked, more tasks)

Scent of apples –(scents conjure memories)

Hoary grass – (frost on the grass)

Pane of glass – (ice from the frozen water)

6.    Facts inferred

a.    The speaker is a dreamer. Later I found that he is a Pisces, or rather born just after this sign, like he almost is but not quite, we fish are notorious dreams, fail at times with the ‘doing”, but fabulous dreamers.

b.    Experience on the farm.

c.     Experience in nature. May sound the same, while a farm is rural, it is not always wild.

d.    Has had experiences with work that is never done.

e.    Has had this dream before

f.     Sets lofty goals

g.    Obsessive compulsive

h.    Wastes not. (even bruised apples have a place making cider at least)

i.     Harvest time is over, winter coming on.

j.     Loves his apples

7.     Tones – Frost uses words that are descriptive of nature, reality items that at the same time are metaphors for surrealistic ideas and ideals or spirituality. These well recognized forms such as apples coupled with everyday chores such as picking them gain a connection with the reader. For instance, if he was working at an electronics assembly line soldering connections on a circuit board, well most of us would not be able to relate.

a.    Reverent

b.    Weary

c.     Ambitious

d.    Philosophical

e.    Buddhist

f.     Dreamer

g.    Surrealist

h.    Lulling sounds of words

i.     Nature lover

8.    Structure – I can not pick up the formality of the poem. It sounds like water running, each sentence running into the next most of the time, then it rhymes like waves pounding on the beach.  Is this the poet trying to tell us that there is an underlying order to nature but that there is disorder as well? Chaos and order coexisting? Both have a role? Or am I reading too much into things?

9.    He falls asleep. Works in his sleep. This surrealistic world is like a puzzle that he is attempting to put together. The answers to his seemingly endless work is the tension, the release of that tension is sleep.

10. Images and sounds that resonate;

a.    Pane of glass. It is cold and blurry, OF nature, showing only part of what actually is. Reality showing a perception, a filter.

b.    Two pointed ladder in the tree. Journey towards divinity.

c.     Apple. Images of the garden of Eden. Temptation and life giving at the same time.
Reading, re-reading, writing about the poem has me in development. That is, my eyes are beginning to open that there is more to this dream. There is a great deal of religious overtones, questions about what we are doing here, nature of man, nature of god, nature of nature. Has my brain rolling almost to fast to put down on paper. Perhaps I should follow this train of thought and make it the topic of my essay.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Timing with Black History month (response

Reading  Kassies blog this week, I was struck initially by references to both of these men as "Conservative". At first I was,.... huh, isn't someone fighting for new ideas and social change usually considered a liberal? opps, now I have cast liberals as the militants. Ok, I am confused......  So, I went back and reread both her posts. I am getting the feeling that the conservatism she is referring to is that they were not even more outspoken and radical.

On a different note, Kassie mentions at the end that she likes Washington and what he had to say. What parts? I also liked what he had to say but my favorite was the "Let down your bucket" alluding to a more holistic approach to change, being that a persons answers are usually of their own devise. My grandfather used to say that he believed that when ever there was a problem, that the answer was within your grasp. Literally, if his car broke down, he would find/make/cobblestone a piece together to make it run. And usually something right out of his shop. Washington is appealing to the artisan and craftsmen mentality prevalent with people of any race that are hard working and survivors.

Onward to AJ's blog

Ok, I do believe that my classmates are in agreement, feeling that these men were not radical enough, which makes them conservative. I think that both men dress like black republicans, so indeed they are conservative.

Interesting comments and observation about Du Bois hostility towards racism. Funny, I caught that too. Interesting thing about hostility. Hostility perpetuates hate. Hate being the very thing that makes racism so particularization bad. Now if there was a word that described some one LOVING a person because of their race, well that word would be kind of opposite to racism right? If racism is evil then it's opposite must be good right? Is this called circular thinking? I am back to being confused. simple this,  when you hate the haters, you become just like them.

My link this week is from someone that is a different color from most and seems to love everyone despite some that hate and despise him.

Bar Nei'


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Washington crosses Du Bois (the Delaware)


Admittedly, this rendering is not of Booker T Washington, but rather George Washington Carver in the place of George Washington. I felt it apropos because both men are black and look the same…..
HA, got ya, I am kidding, lighten up. Besides, Carver wears spectacles (look close in the painting), and as everyone knows Booker does not, right?
It is included because I couldn’t find a pic of Booker crossing the Delaware in the place of good ol George Washington, but in the process found this wonderful painting by Robert Colescott (Oakland, 1925 – Tucson, 2009 which shows the typical stereotypes of black culture in the boat with Carver. This whole “in the same boat” mentality, speaks to the heart of the feud between Du Boise and Washington, while at the same time adds the element that there are more people in the boat, thus more responsibility to come up with plans for those people. Besides, good art, in an effort to stimulate thought and emotion takes risks at the expense of offending a few people.
I looked and looked for a blog prompt earlier this week, I thought I was having a foggy brain, glad to know that it was not cold medicine fogginess. Curious, that the prompt  ended up being pretty much what I thought it might be, a comparison of Washington and Du Bois.  The deeper twist with the prompt is the “first-class citizenship”. It seems important to realize that both men are after the same goal, they are at odds about the how and when.
Washington seems pretty straight forward. I assume that this is a legacy of being brought up as a slave. His basic premise is that the black mans salvation, now that he is saved from slavery, will come in the form of self reliance. The whole “Cast down your bucket” idea. Help yourself, the water is fine. He encourages self reliance through education (freedom of thought) as well as the cultivation of the desire to be financial free as well. Although highly educated, he believed that it was just as important to work one’s hands as it was to work the mind. “No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.”
Du Bois lauds Washington by sucking up while compliments to him right before he takes a few swings at Washington’s ideals calling him “the most distinguished Southerner since Jefferson Davis.” A kind of back handed compliment if there ever was one since Davis the was President of the Confederate States of America who sought to keep black in their place. Is Du Bois saying that Washington is keeping the black man down? Of course he is. Ouch.
Re-reading both passages, I am struck by the connection that each author attempts to engage the reader. In an effort to relate, I find myself putting myself in the shoes of the downtrodden, now free, but uneducated ex-slave now worried about feeding and providing for both the present welfare as well as future opportunities presented to one’s family. Washington realizes that the typical black man in the South faces starvation and dislocation attempting to rectify that danger by encouraging the basics first. One must walk before running right? Du Bois, while right in pushing for higher more refined thoughts and education, is thinking to the future of his race. He is obviously worried that his race will stagnate.
Both rationales hold some merit, so I began reading the messages for over all content and found thus. Du Bois writes sort of like a used car sales man. There is a lot of pandering, a great deal of side ways compliments, then some zingers to get ones blood going, then a bunch of drivel. By drivel, I mean the blah blah blah, How does one argue with lines like “It is through Nature must needs make men narrow in order to give them force.” Reading that as, YOU CAN DO IT….. I have spent a lifetime listening to pitches, and I have become naturally wary of those that hold roses in one hand and a knife in the other all the while hiding behind smoke and mirrors.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

AJ passes (some wisdom)

AJ’s Blog

“the Yankee man went down south and took a slave to Canada to free him. Little did he know he sacrificed his own freedom for someone else's freedom. After taking the negro slave to Canada he was placed into a penitentiary and died later on. So in freeing one man he was then without freedom.”

Is this more a what the classic Greeks would call “tragedy”? or is it the same thing? Hero sets out to accomplish something, but he missteps and suffers a similar fate from the one he is avoiding? The poor soul’s irony doesn’t end with his imprisonment/lack of freedom, but as Aj points out “His death, after the expiration of only a small part of the sentence, from cholera contracted while nursing stricken fellow prisoners.” `          

This fellow from Ohio must have really pissed Karma off. It is either that, of Chesnutt is using a literary club to drive home a point. No good deed goes unpunished. Is the message directed towards the Abolitionist theory that the black man needs saving? By white men, that by associated racial guilt, needs to do something? The fun underlying thought being conveyed by Chesnutt is, that ultimately, the slaves will need to free themselves if necessary.

One last item from the story, that I have never read before, it was a term applied near the end regarding Grandison and his family,   “Sable humanity”    racial term of color “sable” applied to a person “humanity” basically saying       black man.

Color, color color.

Interesting side note, I once dated a girl, whom called me in tears when she asked her folks when they would like to meet her new boyfriend “Decker”, they declined since they were under the assumption that “Decker” was a black man’s name. I never did meet them.


Kassie's passing

Kassie’s blog (in regards to Chesnutt's Passing of Grandison)

“Dick is the heir of his father’s estate, why does he need to free another man’s slave when his father owns so many and one day they will all belong to Dick.  When that day come he could just set them all free, why does he need to steal another man’s slave when he will have them all one day. “

Why? I believe that the answer to that question, lies in the very first line in the story ""for what a man will not do to please a woman is yet to be discovered." Fitting line for Valentine's day eh? Dick spends enough time courting Charity that he simply wants to please here or impress her with his fortitude and moral character. Unfortunately for him, character is not simply a role to be donned as one would a garment. As hard as he tries, he does not succeed in freeing Grandison, in fact, Grandison ends by freeing himself, as well as his loved ones. Interesting, that if any woman in the story should be impressed by her man's action, it should be Betsy. Jumping to the end of the story, last line Grandison by rights should not have simply "waved his hand derisively", but also placed his other arm around Betsy.


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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nutts to Chesnutt

 “I’ve been courting you for over a year, and it’s the hardest work imaginable.” Dick to Charity. If he indeed has been at this for over a year, her parents should have named her Chastity. Nonetheless, the aptly named Dick (his name is even ironic) has been enjoying the presence of Charity, obviously with courtship not being an odorous detail whatsoever. "work" indeed.... If it was actually work, a gentile southern plantation owner would have had a slave doing it for him. He does ring a truer statement when he next pleads “Are you never going to love me?” What a complete and utter moron. Ignoance wins the day in the end, when he wins Charity(case's) heart.
The most obvious ironic hook comes late in the game, as most ironies do in the form of Grandison not only successfully escaping, but taking along with him the whole kit and caboodle of family members to the free country of Oh…. Canada…. Oh… Canada. There is a deeper more profound twist to this end. It relates to the beginning. Even before Chesnutt drops his first paragraph, there is the title. “The Passing of Grandison”  The author tricks us all. While “passing” many times serves as metaphor for “death”, the passing in this instance is the passing of a slave into a freedman. Final thought;  think  if the title had read, “The escape of Grandison”, gives it all away doesn’t it?
Oh, for anyone that has no time to read, us with such busy lives, there is a video rendition of this story.
Acted out by LEGO’s…….

One can learn a lot,,,, from a lego……
lego my Chesnutt's

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Rain Rain go away, come again some other day."

As the old nursery rhyme goes, so one gets the feeling that in "The Storm" by Chopin that conflict may well return at a later date, but is not directly spoken. At the least, the storm represents many things that could be associated with conflict or danger and/or an affair of the heart. Kassie speaks well towards this:

Kassie's blog

       Through the wind and the rain there was this worry in her eyes and she was frightened for her husband and son who were not home and safe in the house.  I think with that old memories and sparks flew and with the touch of his embrace when he put his arms around her brought up the love they have always had for one another. 
She goes on to quote a line that I will have to admit I do not remember, but wish that I had since it speaks volumes about the after effect of the rain. The idea of a conflict washing away old dirt creating something new.

         The rain was over; and the sun was turning the glistening green world into a palace of gems. 

I am not positive, but from other readings about post civil war culture, there is indication that affairs were not looked at any kinder then as they are now. However, don't you think it interesting that Chopin would use such terminology as "palace of gems" to describe just what the storm/affarir would leave behind? Or perhaps ..... are the gems babies?

Literature, as opposed to simple pulp fiction, should at it's best seek to deliver a message. At it's worst, the story should be entertaining. I am with AJ that I tend to not wish to read horrifying accounts about children. I went on to agree with, and was intrigued by AJ's notion that Chickamauga had a contemporary theme, one of zombies...... 

AJ's blog
"A terrific horrifying story about the scarring of a childs life that I don't want to hear/read, and a Zombie apocalypse storyline. The reason why I bring the zombie theme up is because in a way this is very similar to that theme. Bierce is technically describing the end of this childs world as well as the one thing that could make a deaf mute make any form of noise what so ever."

Right on. Reflecting back on the story, there are strong images of grisly mute men crawling through the forest, faces half torn off, some missing even tongues.  Come to think about it, there is not a whole lot of dialog in the story now is there?

Besides the emotionally evocative imagery there is that underlying apocalyptic theme. The end of the world. Rather, the end of innocence or of the world as the little boy knew it. The boy I was interpreting as a general metaphor for The South. Well, this region, as well as it's sisters The North and The West would just have to grow up, rebuild and learn to communicate. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Chicka whata?

Good art relates. Or so I have been told; or is that thought a culmination of experiences and my own devise? Literature, as a form of art, would as it's purpose effort relating the audience with the message (words)

Bierce's Chickamauga, rife with potent and at times graphic imagery speaks directly to humans from North South West (United States post Civil War). The young boy presented a youthful innocence that was to be educated. Loss of innocence. Loss of home. loss of family. loss of self.... What the boy loses, the ready gains, in compassion empathy and understanding for someone else that experienced a life altering event.

Ok, that is the most obvious interpretation to the work. I would propose for comment, condemnation or simply derision the following. The boy represents not just childhood wonder and innocence, but rather the boy represents the South.

“freedom from control” (a free South independent from concerns and controls of the remainder of the nation.)

The first paragraph goes on to speculate about the boys ancestors,  that proud southern heritage, even snippets of French accents  prevalent to this day. “in bodies of its ancestors, had for thousands of years been trained to memorable feats of discovery and conquest.”  Goes on to speak of triumphing over the natives of the land.

Speaks about how the South perhaps went to far in the conflict against the North predicating it’s own doom. “military error of pushing the pursuit to a dangerous extreme”, this was referring to the boy crossing the creek (boundaries…? Were the philosophical or actual boundaries?)
“could not curb the lust for war”….. By portraying the South an innocent with a warrior spirit, ignorant of the follies of war, Bierce writes onward about the horrors created by such a mindset, indicating that the South would lose favored status by pursuing such a plan. “Nor learn that tempted Fate will leave the loftiest star”

Finding that poets and visual artists find success in couching relationships for the reader/viewer inside someone or something that the viewer relates to on a subconscious level rather than risk obtusely revealing too much too soon about the underlying message.